Work directly with clients On many DevECS projects, our students interact directly with the clients. A vital experience that helps prepare you for the workplace.
DevECS projects allow you to earn money while improving your skills and gaining vital experience for your portfolio
We recognise that your studies are your top priority, and therefore we facilitate flexible working hours around your schedule (including breaks during exam periods)
Gain a wide range of experience which will give you plenty to discuss at future job interviews and put you ahead of the competition.
Work directly with clients On many DevECS projects, our students interact directly with the clients. A vital experience that helps prepare you for the workplace.
Work with exciting new technology Every DevECS project is different, involving a wide range of technologies and software, such as Java Spring, C++, jQuery, React, Android, Objective-C, Swift and Flutter.
Develop professional skills and practices By working directly with clients, DevECS projects will help you cultivate professional skills and practices that will give you an advantage in the workplace.
Work as part of a team All of our DevECS projects give you the opportunity to collaborate with full time and student developers as part of a team.
DevECS has given me far more than just development experience. I have been required to independently liaise with clients, eliciting requirements and creating solutions using a variety of exciting technologies.
I joined the Cab My Ride team to help build their iOS application. I had never used Objective-C before, and so I felt a little out of my depth during the first few weeks! Fortunately, the fantastic support structure that DevECS offers enabled me to get to grips with the language quickly and learn while developing a live application. While on the team I gained experience in the entire lifecycle of application design, from the conceptual phase all the way through to review and deployment. The experience offered to me by DevECS enabled me to get a job in industry, doing iOS Development.